The Pittsfield FSC

We need YOUR help!

Could you spare 5 hours of your time to support your child?

Do you have a special talent, skill or job that you could donate to support your child?

The Pittsfield Figure Skating Club, like some non-profit organizations, is managed by volunteers.  It depends heavily on volunteers and without the help and support of its members and their families, the Pittsfield Figure Skating Club cannot function.

We know that it is difficult to balance busy schedules and still find time to volunteer, BUT a club with active volunteers not only helps spread the workload, but it also makes events successful and FUN for our skaters!

Volunteers are needed to assist in the following areas:

Rink Monitoring
Ice Show
Basic Skills Competition
Test Session
Holiday Party
Board of Directors

The club asks for each family to give at least five hours of support or equivalent talent to be successful.

Please remember to check the bulletin boards at the rink or the website for volunteer opportunities and contact  any Board Member.

PLEASE get involved and be supportive to help sustain Pittsfield Figure Skating Club!

We thank you in advance for your time, talents and efforts.